Try Speed Skating!

There are two ways to try speed skating with our club:

  1. Sign up for a paid One-Month Trial
  2. Come to our annual “Try Speed Skating” event

More detail about both options are below!

IMPORTANT: these options are only available from September to March as Kitsilano Rink does not have ice in April through August.

Minimum skater requirements

  • Skaters must be at least age 5 years old as of June 30 of the current year.
  • For safety, VSSC requires that new skaters have some basic skating experience. Skaters must be able to:
    • skate across the length of the rink without assistance;
    • glide on one foot;
    • forward scull with both feet; and
    • snowplow stop with both feet.

Miss604 also wrote a nice article that explains a lot about the club and its program.

One-Month Trial

Our “One Month Trial” program runs monthly, typically starting on the first Sunday practice of the month though this is flexible depending on your needs. Coaches will evaluate and place the skater in the right practice group. Trial members are registered for full-time skating during their month with the club (3x weekly: two on-ice sessions and one dryland session.) See the full Practice Schedule for detailed timing info.

At the end of the trial period, our registrar will reach out to offer a discount code with the value of the previous paid fee, meaning you don’t pay extra for participating before becoming a full club member. One Month Trial skaters also benefit with a free speed skate rental for the duration of their one-month trial period. The cost includes membership fees for Speed Skating Canada and Speed Skating BC. See our Fees page for detailed fee info.

When you are ready to register, visit our Registration page!


“Try Speed Skating” Annual Event

Every year, we run a “try speed skating” event in the fall to invite interested skaters to try out our sport at Kitsilano Rink. Kids and adults are welcome!

Skaters can try out speed skates if we have boots in their size, or can use hockey/figure skates from the skate hut.

The event is a few hours on one day and includes skating warm up, intro to speed skating specific techniques and race simulations. 

Check back to the bottom of this page to see when we will be running our next event. We’re excited to see you on the ice!


2024 Try Speed Skating Event

Our annual “try speed skating” event is on Mon Nov 11! Forward this to your friends and post it to your community groups so we can help more kids get into the amazing sport of speed skating! 

The event will include skating warm up, intro to speed skating specific techniques and race simulations. Kids can try speed skates if we have boots in their size or can borrow regular skates from the skate hut.

Don’t wait: event capacity is capped at 15 skaters and you must register to participate. Register here:!/events/3129-try-speed-skating-event

Location and timing
Mon Nov 11, 9:30am – 1pm
Kitsilano Ice Rink, 2690 Larch Street, Vancouver BC, V6K 4K9

Detailed event schedule
9:30-10am Check-in at club room (and a chance to watch the intermediate skaters skate!)
10-11am Boot and equipment fitting (and snack time)
11 – 11:15am Skates on
11:10-12pm Try Speed Skating/Beginner ice session part 1 (50 min)
12:10pm Break (10 min)
12:10-12:50pm Try Speed Skating/Beginner ice session part 2 (40 min)

Safety equipment REQUIRED
At minimum this must include helmet, cutproof gloves, neck guard, shin guards, knee pads, safety glasses and, for those wearing speed skates, also cut-proof socks. Bring any of these items if you already have them – we will have items to borrow but it would be good to not run out! See here for full equipment details.

Suggested donation $5
Please bring cash or e-transfer after registering and note “Try Speed Skating 2024 event”

We’re excited to see you on the ice!